Repositório do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
ROAR ID: | 10363 |
Home Page: | |
Repository Type: | Research Institutional or Departmental |
Organisation: | Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares |
Software: | DSpace (version other) |
Country: | South America > Brazil |
Location: | Country City Latitude Longitude Brazil São Paulo UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Birth Date1: | 22 October 2015 12:23:00 UTC |
OAI-PMH Interface: | ?Identify ?ListMetadataFormats |
Other Registries: | Celestial |
Record Creator: | MSc Marco Silva |
1 | Birth Date is either when the repository was first registered in ROAR or the earliest record found via the OAI-PMH interface. |
Registry Staff Only: Item Control Page