Registry of Open Access Repositories

LAUR: Lebanese American University Repository


LAUR is an Open-Access digital archive for the scholarly output of the Lebanese American University community. Its mission is to preserve, showcase, and provide open access and international exposure to scholarship and research of LAU faculty, staff and graduate students. It also serves as an archive of historical and other materials that support the University's academic mission. LAUR objectives are to collect selected materials in a centralized, searchable, and highly visible location in order to maximize their access and visibility. Depositing materials in LAUR is voluntary for faculty which are encouraged to make their work openly accessible to LAU community and the rest of the world while graduate students are required to deposit one print and one digital copy of their final master's thesis . The repository currently includes all graduate students theses, and will include LAU's research reports, journal articles, book chapters, digital images, and any data which can be easily harvested by search engines such as Google. All theses published after 2003 are Open Access, while those published before 2003 are accessible via student authentication.


ROAR ID: 12288
Home Page:
Repository Type: Research Institutional or Departmental
Organisation: Lebanese American University
Software: DSpace (version other)
Country: Asia > Lebanon
Birth Date1: 6 February 2017 13:14:36 UTC
OAI-PMH Interface: ?Identify ?ListMetadataFormats
Other Registries: OpenDOAR
Record Creator: Mr. Omar Farhoud
1Birth Date is either when the repository was first registered in ROAR or the earliest record found via the OAI-PMH interface.

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