Registry of Open Access Repositories

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Number of items at this level: 33.

Webshot BICTEL/e - ULg - Institutional repository of dissertations and theses (University of Liege, Belgium) Université de Liège (ULg) - 30 November 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot DI-fusion Université Libre de Bruxelles - 15 January 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot DI-fusion - The institutional repository of Université Libre de Bruxelles Université Libre de Bruxelles - 10 September 2009 [Record Details]

DIAL Saint-Louis - Digital Access to Libraries Université Saint-Louis Brussel - 19 July 2019 [Record Details]

DIAL UCLouvain - Digital Access to Libraries Université catholique de Louvain - 19 July 2019 [Record Details]

Webshot Document Server@UHasselt - 26 August 2004 [Record Details]

Webshot DoKS @ KATHO - 30 May 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot DoKS @ Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge Oostende - 6 October 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot DoKS@ Katholieke Hogeschool, Limburg Katholieke Hogeschool, Limburg - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot DSpace at Howest - 12 January 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot EQUNET Repository MENON Network EEIG, SCIENTER scrl - 6 May 2010 [Record Details]

EUDL - European Union Digital Library European Alliance for Innovation - 1 August 2019 [Record Details]

Webshot Howest DSpace Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Institut de physique nucleaire - 4 May 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot IRUA (Institutional Repository Universiteit Antwerpen) University of Antwerp - 23 March 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot KATHO Theses Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-West-Vlaanderen - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot KCE Repository (909 records) Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre - 20 May 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot KCE repository (909 records) Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE) - 19 January 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot KHK Theses - 10 October 2005 [Record Details]

Webshot KHLim Theses Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg - 19 April 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot Lirias KU Leuven - 10 February 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot MSF Field Research Médecins sans Frontières - 14 May 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot NEPTUN Université de Namur - 13 May 2016 [Record Details]

Webshot OMA Open Marine Archive (23055 records) Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) - 24 August 2000 [Record Details]

Webshot Open Archief van VIOE-publicaties Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Open Watlab Archief Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium (Flanders Hydraulics Research) - 25 March 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot ORBi - Open Repository and Bibliography (University of Liege, Belgium) (133081 records) Université de Liège - 3 July 2008 [Record Details]

ORBi UMONS Université de MONS - UMONS - 2 September 2024 [Record Details]

Sciensano repository Sciensano - 13 September 2018 [Record Details]

Webshot TropMed Central Antwerp (6320 records) Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp - 6 December 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot University of Ghent UGent Institutional Archive (153745 records) - 2 December 2003 [Record Details]

Webshot XIOS Hogeschool Limburg - 28 November 2005 [Record Details]

Webshot Xios Theses XIOS Hogeschool Limburg - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

This list was generated on Mon Dec 2 17:13:35 2024 UTC.