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Number of items at this level: 30.


Aperta - Turkey Open Archive TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, TÜBİTAK - 25 October 2021 [Record Details]

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - IKEE Aristotle University of Thessaloniki / Greece - 19 October 2016 [Record Details]

Webshot Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Psifiothiki Aristotle University of Thessaloniki / Greece - 22 December 2015 [Record Details]

Webshot Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Document Server - 17 December 2003 [Record Details]

Webshot bibliothèque numérique RERO DOC - RERO DOC University of Neuchâtel, University of Fribourg, University of Lugano - 21 August 2014 [Record Details]

Webshot C.A.B. - University of Messina - 4 May 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot CERN Document Server (physics) CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - 20 January 2004 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Repository at University of Zaragoza (Spain): Digital Repository of University of Zaragoza - 27 December 2008 [Record Details]

Webshot Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - 12 November 2015 [Record Details]

Webshot Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB - Servei de Biblioteques: Pàgina inicial (69260 records) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - 17 June 2008 [Record Details]

EIMS Digital Library Repository European Institute of Medical Studies (EIMS) Higher Education Institution - 2 October 2024 [Record Details]

Webshot Electrical Engineering Wroclaw University of Technology (431 records) Faculty of Electrical Engineering -Wroclaw University of Technology - 9 March 2008 [Record Details]

Graduate Institute Geneva Institutional Repository - 8 August 2019 [Record Details]

Webshot ILC Document Server (1000 records) International Linear Collider - 31 January 2007 [Record Details]

IndraStra Global Open Repository - IGOR IndraStra Global - 17 January 2018 [Record Details]

Webshot Infoscience: École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (9153 records) - 14 December 2004 [Record Details]

Webshot Institut de physique nucleaire - 4 May 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot Institutional Digital Repository National Library of Technology - 3 September 2015 [Record Details]

Webshot JINR Document Server: Home (7443 records) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) - 11 January 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot JINR Document Server: Главная страница JINR Document Server - 7 October 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot MeIND: Hauptseite - 7 March 2005 [Record Details]

National Academic Digital Repository of Ethiopia (NADRE) Education Strategy Center (ESC), Ethiopian Research and Education Network (EthERNet), Ethiopian Univesities - 5 November 2018 [Record Details]

Webshot National Repository of Grey Literature (171788 records) University of Economics, Prague, National Technical Library, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, University of South Bohemia in České Budějivoce - 19 January 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot PADIS - Pubblicazioni Aperte Digitali Interateneo Sapienza: Pagina principale (2159 records) - 29 September 2004 [Record Details]

Webshot Repositorio Institucional de Documentos Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) - 21 June 2016 [Record Details]

Webshot RERO DOC: Bibliothèque Numérique (35413 records) - 11 March 2005 [Record Details]

SERVEUR DE DOCUMENTS DE L'IDEP | IDEP DOCUMENT SERVER African Institute for Economic Development and Planning - 24 May 2013 [Record Details]

Somali Research and Education Repository (SORER) Somali Research and Education Network - 6 March 2021 [Record Details]

Webshot Systems Competence Area Document Server - 15 March 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot Zentrales Verzeichnis Digitalisierter Drucke: Hauptseite - 16 January 2008 [Record Details]

This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 21:15:08 2025 UTC.