Registry of Open Access Repositories

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Number of items at this level: 102.

Research Institutional or Departmental

Webshot Academic Digital Library (Akademickiej Bibliotece Cyfrowej) (0 records) AGH University of Science and Technology - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Adam Mickiewicz University Repository (unknown number of records) Adam Mickiewicz University - 22 January 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Adam Mickiewicz University Repository (unknown number of records) Adam Mickiewicz University - 1 March 2010 [Record Details]

Base Of Scientific Achievements University Of Agriculture In Krakow (unknown number of records) Agricultural University in Krakow - 14 November 2023 [Record Details]

Baza Wiedzy Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (Knowledge Base of the University of Gdańsk) (unknown number of records) University of Gdansk - 31 July 2023 [Record Details]

Webshot Baza Wiedzy Uniwersytetu Opolskiego (University of Opole Base of Knowledge) (unknown number of records) Uniwersytet Opolski (University of Opole) - 28 June 2016 [Record Details]

Webshot Bibliotecka Cyfrowa Politechniki Koszalińskiej (Digital Library of Koszalin University of Technology) (unknown number of records) Koszalin University of Technology - 15 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteka Cyfrowa Centralnego Ośrodka Doskonalenia Nauczycieli (unknown number of records) Centralnego Ośrodka Doskonalenia Nauczycieli - 7 November 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteka Cyfrowa Diecezji Legnickiej (unknown number of records) Biblioteka Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego - 16 September 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteka Cyfrowa Diecezji Legnickiej (unknown number of records) Biblioteka Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego - 26 August 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteka Cyfrowa KLF UW (unknown number of records) Formal Linguistics Department at the University of Warsaw - 27 October 2008 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteka Cyfrowa Politechniki Łódzkiej - eBiPol (0 records) - 30 June 2005 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (unknown number of records) University of Warsaw - 24 March 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot Cracow University of Economics Repository (RUEK) (unknown number of records) Cracow University of Economics - 21 February 2019 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Land of Sieradz (unknown number of records) Powiatowa Biblioteka Publiczna w Sieradzu - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Land of Sieradz (unknown number of records) Powiatowa Biblioteka Publiczna w Sieradzu - 27 February 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Library of Jelenia Góra (unknown number of records) Jeleniogórskie Centrum Informacji i Edukacji Regionalnej - Książnica Karkonoska - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Library of Jelenia Góra (unknown number of records) Jeleniogórskie Centrum Informacji i Edukacji Regionalnej - Książnica Karkonoska - 21 October 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Library of Malopolska (unknown number of records) Wrota Małopolski - 25 December 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Library of Opole (unknown number of records) Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna im. Emanuela Smołki w Opolu (Voivodship Public Library in Opole) - 8 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Library of Opole (unknown number of records) Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna im. Emanuela Smołki w Opolu (Voivodship Public Library in Opole) - 18 November 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Library of Polish Institute of Anthropology (unknown number of records) Polish Institute of Anthropology - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Library of Polish Institute of Anthropology (unknown number of records) Polish Institute of Anthropology - 8 July 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Library of Warsaw University of Technology (unknown number of records) Main Library of Warsaw University of Technology - 12 June 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot Digital Repository Polonica (unknown number of records) Instytut Badań nad Dziedzictwem Kulturowym Europy - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Dolnośląska Digital Library (unknown number of records) Politechnika Wrocławska (Wrocław University of Technology) - 14 February 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot Dominikańska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (unknown number of records) Biblioteka Kolegium Filozoficzno-Teologicznego oo. Dominikanów w Krakowie - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot ECNIS Repository (Environmental Cancer Risk, Nutrition and Individual Susceptibility) (unknown number of records) ECNIS Network of Excellence - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Elbląska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Elbląg Digital Library) (unknown number of records) Biblioteka Elbląska IM. Cypriana Norwida - 28 August 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot Electrical Engineering Wroclaw University of Technology (431 records) Faculty of Electrical Engineering -Wroclaw University of Technology - 9 March 2008 [Record Details]

Webshot eRIKA - Repozytorium Instytucjonalne Krakowskiej Akademii (unknown number of records) Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego - 11 March 2014 [Record Details]

Webshot FIDES Digital Library (unknown number of records) Federacja Bibliotek Kościelnych (Federation of the Church Libraries) - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot FIDES Digital Library (unknown number of records) Federacja Bibliotek Kościelnych (Federation of the Church Libraries) - 16 August 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot ICM - DIR - Zasoby Polskie (unknown number of records) University of Warsaw - 25 July 2008 [Record Details]

Webshot Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences Repository (unknown number of records) Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences - 17 February 2010 [Record Details]

Institutional Repository of the John Paul II University in Biała Podlaska (unknown number of records) John Paul II University in Biała Podlaska - 18 March 2022 [Record Details]

Webshot IO PWr (unknown number of records) e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, Division of Software Engineering - 8 January 2017 [Record Details]

Webshot Jagiellonian Digital Library (unknown number of records) Jagiellonian University - 21 July 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot Krosnienska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Krosno Digital Library) (unknown number of records) Krośnieńska Biblioteka Publiczna (Krosno Public Library) - 22 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Krosnienska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Krosno Digital Library) (unknown number of records) Krośnieńska Biblioteka Publiczna (Krosno Public Library) - 14 November 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Mazowiecka Biblioteka Cyfrowa (unknown number of records) Biblioteka Publiczna Warszawy – Biblioteka Główna Województwa Mazowieckiego - 20 May 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Mazowiecka Biblioteka Cyfrowa (unknown number of records) Biblioteka Publiczna Warszawy – Biblioteka Główna Województwa Mazowieckiego - 24 May 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot Nowohucka Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Nowa Huta Digital Library) (3363 records) Nowohucka Biblioteka Publiczna w Krakowie (Nowa Huta Public Library) - 7 March 2008 [Record Details]

oPUB – Repository of the University of Lower Silesia (unknown number of records) University of Lower Silesia - 14 November 2014 [Record Details]

Webshot Podkarpacka Digital Library (unknown number of records) Rzeszow University - 25 July 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot Podlaska Digital Library (unknown number of records) KSIĄŻNICA PODLASKA im. Łukasza Górnickiego - 9 February 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot Polska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (unknown number of records) National Library of Poland (Biblioteka Narodowa) - 28 August 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot Pomeranian Digital Library (unknown number of records) Gdansk University of Technology - 22 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Pomeranian Digital Library (unknown number of records) Gdansk University of Technology - 19 January 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot Repository of Nicolaus Copernicus University (unknown number of records) Nicolaus Copernicus University - 1 October 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Repozytorium CeON (CeON Repository) (unknown number of records) University of Warsaw - 8 July 2011 [Record Details]

Repozytorium Instytucjonalne KUL (ReKUL) Repository of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin [English] (unknown number of records) John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin - 3 March 2021 [Record Details]

Webshot Repozytorium instytucjonalne WSB-NLU (unknown number of records) WSB-NLU w Nowym Sączu - 30 July 2013 [Record Details]

Webshot Repozytorium PJWSTK / PJIIT Repository (unknown number of records) Polsko-Japońska Wyższa Szkoła Technik Komputerowych / Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology - 8 January 2014 [Record Details]

Webshot Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (RUJ) (unknown number of records) - 27 June 2016 [Record Details]

Webshot Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego (unknown number of records) Kazimierz Wielki University - 3 March 2014 [Record Details]

Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Śląskiego RE-BUŚ (unknown number of records) University of Silesia in Katowice - 9 March 2018 [Record Details]

Webshot Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku/University of Bialystok Repository (unknown number of records) University of Bialystok - 24 March 2014 [Record Details]

Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego (Repository of the Zielona Góra University) (unknown number of records) Uniwersytet Zielonogórski - 25 November 2020 [Record Details]

Webshot Research Online at Warsaw University of Technology (unknown number of records) Warsaw University of Technology - 17 April 2019 [Record Details]

Webshot Rolnicza Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Agricultural Digital Library) (unknown number of records) Central Agricultural Library - 18 November 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot SWPS's and WSNHiD's Repository (Repozytorium SWPS i WSNHiD) (unknown number of records) Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej (Warsaw School of Social Sciences) - 8 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot SWPS's and WSNHiD's Repository (Repozytorium SWPS i WSNHiD) (unknown number of records) Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej (Warsaw School of Social Sciences) - 1 April 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Tarnobrzeska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (unknown number of records) Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. dr. Michała Marczaka w Tarnobrzegu - 22 April 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Univeristy of Warmia and Mazury Digital Library (unknown number of records) Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie (University of Warmia and Mazury) - 9 February 2009 [Record Details]

University of Life Sciences in Lublin Repository (unknown number of records) University of Life Sciences in Lublin - 17 July 2023 [Record Details]

Webshot Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie (Pontifical University of John Paul II) (unknown number of records) Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie Biblioteka Cyfrowa - 17 February 2016 [Record Details]

Webshot Virtual Archive of Polish Armenians (unknown number of records) Fundatorem Fundacji Kultury i Dziedzictwa Ormian Polskich (Foundation of Culture And Heritage of Polish Armenians) - 25 March 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Virtual Reading Room of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (unknown number of records) Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Virtual Reading Room of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (unknown number of records) Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) - 4 May 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot Warsaw University of Technology Repository (unknown number of records) Warsaw University of Technology - 10 September 2013 [Record Details]

Webshot Wejherowo Digital Library (11787 records) Powiatowa i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Wejherowie im. Aleksandra Majkowskiego - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot The West Pomeranian Digital Library „POMERANIA” (unknown number of records) Central Library of the West Pomeranian Province - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Świętokrzyska Digital Library (unknown number of records) Witold Gombrowicz Voivodeship Public Library - 22 July 2012 [Record Details]

Research Multi-institution Repository

Polish Platform of Medical Research (PPM) (unknown number of records) Wroclaw Medical University, Medical University of Bialystok, Medical University of Gdańsk, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Medical University of Lublin, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Medical University of Warsaw, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź, Jagiellonian University Medical College in Cracow - 27 January 2021 [Record Details]

Research Cross-Institutional

Webshot Biblioteka Cyfrowa Małopolskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego (unknown number of records) Małopolskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne - 1 June 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot iReteslaw (unknown number of records) Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences - 11 December 2018 [Record Details]

Webshot Kolbuszowa Digital Library (unknown number of records) Miejską i Powiatową Bibliotekę Publiczną w Kolbuszowej - 22 April 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Śląska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Silesia Digital Library) (unknown number of records) Uniwersytet Śląski - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Public Digital Archive of Agnieszka Osiecka (unknown number of records) Okularnicy Foundation - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Public Digital Archive of Agnieszka Osiecka (unknown number of records) Okularnicy Foundation - 22 April 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Welcome to Computer Science journal - Computer Science (unknown number of records) AGH University of Science and Technology - 9 March 2011 [Record Details]


Webshot Biblioteka Cyfrowa Politechniki Lubelskiej / Lublin University of Technology Digital Library (unknown number of records) Lublin University of Technology - 10 December 2009 [Record Details]

Repozytorium ZUT [Polish] ZUT Repository [English] (unknown number of records) - 13 October 2022 [Record Details]


Webshot Cracow University of Technology Digital Library (unknown number of records) Politechnika Krakowska / Cracow University of Technology - 31 October 2008 [Record Details]

Webshot Śląska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Silesia Digital Library) (unknown number of records) Uniwersytet Śląski - 22 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (unknown number of records) University of Warsaw, University of Warsaw Library - 22 July 2016 [Record Details]


Webshot Digital Library of Polish and Poland-Related News Pamphlets from the 16th to the 18th Century - Cyfrowa Biblioteka Druków Ulotnych Polskich i Polski Dotyczących z XVI, XVII i XVIII Wieku (unknown number of records) Institute of Journalism of the University of Warsaw - 18 July 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Łódzka Regionalna Biblioteka Cyfrowa (unknown number of records) Łódzka Akademicka Sieć Biblioteczna - 29 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot ECNIS Repository (Environmental Cancer Risk, Nutrition and Individual Susceptibility) (unknown number of records) ECNIS (Environmental Cancer Risk, Nutrition and Individual Susceptibility) Network of Excellence - 3 June 2008 [Record Details]

Webshot Iława Biblioteka Cyrfrowa (Iława Digital Library) (unknown number of records) Iława - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Iława Biblioteka Cyrfrowa (Iława Digital Library) (unknown number of records) Iława - 12 October 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library (unknown number of records) Nicolaus Copernicus University - 13 June 2005 [Record Details]

Webshot Śląska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (unknown number of records) Biblioteka Sląska - 18 August 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot Open Repository of Historical Sciences "Lectorium" (unknown number of records) Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw - 24 December 2014 [Record Details]

Polish Botanical Society Repository (unknown number of records) Polish Botanical Society - 11 December 2018 [Record Details]

Webshot Projekt „Otwórz książkę" (unknown number of records) University of Warsaw - 25 September 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot Repozytorium Cyfrowego Instytutów Naukowych (Digital Repository of Scientific Institutions) (unknown number of records) Consortium of Scientific Libraries in Warsaw - 22 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Repozytorium Cyfrowego Instytutów Naukowych (Digital Repository of Scientific Institutions) (unknown number of records) Consortium of Scientific Libraries in Warsaw - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Sanok Digital Library (unknown number of records) Digital-Center - 5 August 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Sanok Digital Library (unknown number of records) Digital-Center - 29 July 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Tarnow Digital Library (unknown number of records) Julius Slowacki Municipal Library - 1 July 2012 [Record Details]

This list was generated on Thu Oct 3 14:11:45 2024 UTC.