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Number of items: 73.


Acik Erisim ve Kurumsal Arsiv Sistemleri (unknown number of records) - 9 May 2019 [Record Details]

Webshot American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database (unknown number of records) - 4 May 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot Andina Digital - Repositorio UASB-Digital (unknown number of records) Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar, Biblioteca UASB - 20 March 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot Architekturinformatik : Digitale Bibliothek : Verarbeitung : Hauptmenü (unknown number of records) Arbeitskreis Architekturinformatik - 23 August 2003 [Record Details]


Webshot BGSU DRC Home (0 records) Bowling Green State University Libraries - 29 April 2008 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteca Digital - Universidad de Antioquia (unknown number of records) Universidad de Antioquia - 7 July 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteca Digital Escuela Politécnica Nacional (unknown number of records) ESCUELA POLITECNICA NACIONAL - BIBLIOTECA CENTRAL, SISTEMA INTEGRADO DE BIBLIOTECAS - 2 July 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteca Digital IEP-PETROECUADOR (unknown number of records) INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS DEL PETROLEO, EPPETROECUADOR - 21 October 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteca Flacso Ecuador (0 records) FLACSO ANDES, BIBLIOTECA FLACSO - 12 June 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot Biblioteca Un Single en Madrid (unknown number of records) Un Single en Madrid - 9 January 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes (0 records) - 9 June 2006 [Record Details]


Webshot Centre de recherche en histoire des sciences et des techniques, équipe du Centre A. Koyré/CRHST (CNRS/EHESS/MNHN/CSI) (0 records) Centre de recherche en histoire des sciences et des techniques - 1 January 2002 [Record Details]

Webshot Centre for German Legal Information (unknown number of records) - 11 February 2009 [Record Details]

Colección Digital CeMIEGeo (unknown number of records) Mexican Center for Innovation in Geothermal Energy - 4 August 2017 [Record Details]

Webshot Crystallography Open Database (unknown number of records) - 27 January 2006 [Record Details]


Webshot DigitalCommons@MiddleburyCollege (unknown number of records) - 14 December 2005 [Record Details]

Webshot DOAP Universitas Hang Tuah (unknown number of records) Perpustakaan Universitas Hang Tuah, Universitas Hang Tuah - 20 September 2017 [Record Details]

Webshot DSpace en ESPOL (unknown number of records) Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral - 12 February 2009 [Record Details]


Webshot Expert Journals Repository (unknown number of records) Sprint Investify - 19 December 2015 [Record Details]


figshare - credit for all your research (unknown number of records) figshare - 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Flacso Recursos Académicos: Repositorio Digital (unknown number of records) FLACSO, FLACSO ANDES - 18 March 2009 [Record Details]


Webshot Gazi Üniversitesi Açıkarşiv (unknown number of records) Gazi Universitesi Ackerisim - 23 August 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot Greif - Greifswalder Digitale Bibliothek (0 records) - 1 September 2006 [Record Details]


Webshot Harvard Dataverse Network repository (unknown number of records) Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University - 17 April 2008 [Record Details]

Webshot Higher Education Empirical Research Database (0 records) Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI) of The Open University - 30 May 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot Hong Kong Education Bibliographic Database (18092 records) HKIEd Library, Hong Kong Institute of Education (香港教育學院圖書館) - 25 August 2010 [Record Details]


IndraStra Global Index (IGI) (unknown number of records) IndraStra Open Journal System, IndraStra Global - 29 December 2019 [Record Details]

InTraders Archive (unknown number of records) International Book Archive, Conference Book Archive, InTraders Journal Issues InTraders Jo - 19 April 2022 [Record Details]


Webshot Johnson Space Center (unknown number of records) - 1 January 1993 [Record Details]


Webshot Kepository UNIKOM (unknown number of records) Perpustakaan Unikom - 19 November 2016 [Record Details]

Webshot Kypriana (0 records) The Cyprus Institute - STARC - 23 June 2009 [Record Details]


Webshot LEGAL SCIENCE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT PRACTICE (unknown number of records) Tyumen Advanced Training Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation - 30 August 2014 [Record Details]

Webshot LIBRUM versión v2.0: Busqueda Básica (0 records) - 31 January 2007 [Record Details]


Webshot MEK (Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár) (0 records) - 1 January 1995 [Record Details]


Webshot NDAD - UK National Digital Archive of Datasets (unknown number of records) - 30 October 2003 [Record Details]


Webshot OPAC - Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (unknown number of records) University of Indonesia Library - 13 July 2015 [Record Details]


Webshot Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (unknown number of records) - 4 May 2006 [Record Details]

Perpustakaan Politeknik Negeri Malang | Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 9 Malang Telp : (0341) 404424, 404425 Fax : (0341) 404420 (Graha Lt3) :: OPAC (unknown number of records) - 13 March 2020 [Record Details]


Webshot REDINED (0 records) - 12 February 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot ReOrient Knowledge Base (unknown number of records) Napier University Edinburgh - 20 February 2008 [Record Details]

Webshot Repositório Acadêmico de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação (unknown number of records) - 4 May 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot Repositorio Digital ESPE: Tesis e Investigaciones (unknown number of records) ESCUELA POLITECNICA DEL EJERCITO, BIBLIOTECA ESPE - 11 December 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot Repositorio Digital IAEN (0 records) Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales, Biblioteca IAEN - 3 May 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot Repositorio Digital UCE: Tesis e Investigaciones (4934 records) UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR, BIBLIOTECA GENERAL UCE - 14 September 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot Repositorio Digital UEB - Tesis de Grado (0 records) Universidad Estatal de Bolivar - 7 January 2010 [Record Details]

Webshot Repositorio Digital Universidad de las Américas (0 records) Universidad de las Américas - 10 April 2013 [Record Details]

Webshot Repositorio Digital Universidad Laica "Eloy Alfaro" de Manabí: Home (0 records) Universidad Laica "Eloy Alfaro" de Manabí - 5 September 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot Repositorio Digital Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (unknown number of records) Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi - 10 April 2013 [Record Details]

Webshot Repositorio Digital USFQ: Tesis e Investigaciones (unknown number of records) UNIVERSIDAD SAN FRANCISCO DE QUITO, BIBLIOTECA USFQ - 14 September 2011 [Record Details]

Webshot REPOSITORIUM: Repositorio de metadatos Venezolano (81395 records) - 14 July 1998 [Record Details]

Repository of STT-PLN (unknown number of records) sttpln - 29 April 2019 [Record Details]

Webshot Research Findings Register (0 records) - 25 October 1999 [Record Details]

Webshot Rruff Project (unknown number of records) - 4 May 2006 [Record Details]


Webshot SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (unknown number of records) Astrophysics Data System - 27 January 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot Science Attic (unknown number of records) - 20 March 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot Scientific Open Access Repository (unknown number of records) - 21 February 2012 [Record Details]

Webshot SCIndeks - Serbian Citation Index (unknown number of records) Center for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEES) - 13 April 2009 [Record Details]

Webshot SERPENT Image and Video Archive (unknown number of records) Scientific and Environmental ROV Partnership using Existing iNdustrial Technology Project - 13 March 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot SIOExplorer Scripps Institution of Oceanography (unknown number of records) - 4 May 2006 [Record Details]

Webshot SNTEKPAN (unknown number of records) Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya - 17 November 2017 [Record Details]

Webshot Statistics Norway's Open Research Repository (unknown number of records) Statistisk sentralbyrå (Statistics Norway) - 25 March 2012 [Record Details]


Webshot The Linnean Collections (unknown number of records) The Linnean Society of London - 10 August 2007 [Record Details]

Webshot The PubChem Project (unknown number of records) NCBI HomePage - 1 November 2008 [Record Details]

Webshot The repository of scientific papers of Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry Репозиторий научных трудов Московского научно-исследовательского института психиатрии (unknown number of records) Journal publications, Materials of scientific conferences, Patents and certificates, Abstract of the thesis, news block - 14 November 2015 [Record Details]


UiTM Open Access Research Repository (unknown number of records) Scopus, Web of Science, UiTM Journal, My Prisma - 12 December 2020 [Record Details]

Webshot Universitas Indonesia Electronic Metadata (0 records) Universitas Indonesia - 2 December 2010 [Record Details]


Webshot ViFaPhys - The Physics Virtual Library (unknown number of records) - 7 February 2003 [Record Details]


Welcome to DEREP-K - DEREP-K (unknown number of records) Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem - 6 December 2018 [Record Details]

Webshot Welcome to uiana - uiana (0 records) Universitas Indonesia - 23 May 2011 [Record Details]


Zorotic Online Library (unknown number of records) - 1 March 2022 [Record Details]


Вісник харківського національного аграрного університету Серія "Рослинництво, селекція і генетика, плодоовочівництво і зберігання" (unknown number of records) Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В.В. Докучаєва - 4 February 2020 [Record Details]


Хуманитарни Балкански изследвания (unknown number of records) Nauchen Hronograf LTD. - 9 December 2018 [Record Details]


Webshot Электронная библиотека БЕЛИНКИ (unknown number of records) Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Scientific Library. VG Belinsky , Свердловская областная универсальная научная библиотека им. В.Г. Белинского - 16 April 2014 [Record Details]

This list was generated on Tue Oct 15 12:00:59 2024 UTC.